Welcome to Feminist Teacher

lleana Jiménez

Welcome to my Feminist Teacher blog, a site of inquiry for those interested in equity and justice in today’s classrooms.  I am Ileana Jiménez, a thirteen-year veteran of both single sex and progressive independent schools, and I am excited to engage in this conversation with you.

Too often, academic conversations about feminism, women’s studies, gender studies, queer or LGBT studies, as well as studies such as African American, Asian American, Latino/a, Middle Eastern, and Native American studies, focus largely on higher education classrooms and the professors and scholars who teach and conduct research in these fields, leaving out teachers in secondary, middle, and early childhood education who also teach and conduct research on these subjects.

The invisibility of teachers in discussions of feminist pedagogy removes us from being seen as significant contributors to a variety of academic fields, and equally as important, from being recognized as providing young people and children with curricular experiences that are rich and meaningful.

But we are out there for sure.  We are doing the work of feminist scholarship and we are doing the work of feminist curriculum and even feminist activism with our students.

This blog intends to expand the circle of discussion to educators in the k-12 sector who consider their teaching practices to be feminist in design and implementation.  My goal is to make us visible to each other and to the larger world of educators, as we move forward with our important work.  For this reason, I hope it will be a place of community and conversation, both inspiring and invigorating.

In my mind, a feminist pedagogy is one in which issues of race, class, gender, sexuality, ethnicity, religion, age, ability, politics, and human rights—among others—inform a teacher’s philosophical vision that shapes not only content but also action, both that of the teacher as well as the students in the classroom and beyond.

Let this site also be a place of action:  the action of the mind and of the heart for greater gender, racial, and economic justice.

8 thoughts on “Welcome to Feminist Teacher

  1. Hi LLeana,
    I´m English Teacher at public school is São Paulo – Brazil. I`d like to receive something to study and learn about all ( students of color, LGBT, women and girl and so on).

  2. Hello! I’m thrilled that you have found my blog, how wonderful! My future posts will address the issues that you inquired about. I hope you will keep reading!

  3. I am excited to become a regular reader of your blog, Ileana. I just finished my undergrad with a degree in philosophy and certification to teach 5-12th grade social studies. Although I don’t have a job yet… I can’t wait to implement lessons that are focused on issues of feminism and social justice. I am especially interested in issues of power in the classroom – who has different types of power, how power can be transferred, shared, and created between teachers and students. I look forward to learning lots from you, as it seems like you have done some amazing things as a seasoned feminist teacher – everything that I aspire to some day be. Thank you for your willingness to share your wisdom with the blogosphere!

    • Thank you Emily! Congratulations on finishing your degree in philosophy and getting certified. There is definitely so much work to do in social studies/history within a feminist context. So glad you’ll be reading! Looking forward to hearing your thoughts in the future.

  4. Pingback: New Series on the Impact of Teaching and Learning Feminism(s) in High School « Feminist Teacher

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